The two stroke engine is such a flexible beast, without the need for a wet sump or oil reservoir the thing can whizz away at phenominal revs in any orientation. This trick has lead the stroker to find itself put to use in some imaginative applications. I include this simply by way of demonstrating what a right pickle we should all be in without it. The number of times a daiquiri making session has failed through lack of power is of serious concern - no excuses now - MORE POWER.
I could do with one of those for mixing my Ovaltine of an evening.
I did hear they had build a petrol Rampant Rabbit. Four stroke though. Longer strokes, slower revs, if you catch my drift. Side draught Zenith carb and an oil bath air filter.....
Sometimes I feel so inadequate...
Well - obviously if you're trying to maximise vibration I agree about the four stroke option - may i suggest the crippling 600 single sloper as deployed by Panther - favoured by the chair pulling fraternity
Will you two stop it?
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