Eating alone may seem anti-social and often, without the chit-chat and social interaction, can lead to a quick meal taken on the run without much appreciation. This doesn't have to be the case and the opportunity to lavish attention on the healthy home-grown ingredients is a welcome one. Pork chops are from this year's saddlebacks, just left to sit at room temperature for an hour or so covered in rosemary, garlic, salt and pepper and some good oil. The cooking is all usual wood-burning practice and the massive handful of fresh spinach is just tossed into the spuds at the last minute before eating.
To save on washing up, delicately place the chops on top of the veg and get stuck in. A bottle or two of your favourite straight Tempranillo does the business. From start to finish this whole experience lasts about four hours and is sometimes only concluded as the night air turns chill, the fire dwindles and a little drizzle forces retreat from the garden to the warmth of the kitchen - flicking the last inch of the Izmir cig into the flower bed as you pass. MORE HOME-GROWN !